
Wednesday 24 December 2008

All a-twitter about Twitter

It seems Twitter is catching on fast. Perhaps not yet quite as fast as Facebook, which apparently is adding as many users per week as Twitter has altogether. Still, it's beginning to matter.

There's a story out today in the Telegraph about how Twitter is becoming part of the new social fabric. It picks up a piece in yesterday's Guardian about the Denver plane crash survivor whose first instinct - apart from getting out of the plane sharpish - was to tweet his latest news. It's also widely accepted that news of the Mumbai terrorist attacks was first disseminated on Twitter.

I've recently joined the Twitter community so that I can see what's happening in the digital media space and to let anyone who cares keep up-to-date with what I'm doing. You can "follow" me here. While this blog piece will be automatically tweeted to my Twitter feed via the very handy twitterfeed service.

Quite independent of me, Tweeple (sadly, yes, the combination of Twitter and people) are tweeting about Zattoo and you can read what they're saying right here.

I'm heartened to see that HiQ has been well received in the UK! We're on the right track and there's a whole bunch of new initiatives coming in 2009. I hope they will be equally appreciated.

In the meantime, have a great Christmas!