
Friday 10 October 2008

Giving Zattoo's UK viewers exactly what they want

I had the last of my ten sessions with Adrian, my personal trainer, yesterday. Over the last few weeks, I've introduced Adrian to Zattoo and he's told me how much he loves it and that he raves about it to all his friends and other clients.

In between telling me that the agony he' s putting me through is nothing like the pain he's feeling, he also keeps urging me to get Zattoo onto the iPhone. Not just once. Every single session, he's mentioned it. So much so, that I even raised it informally over lunch to Beat, our CEO, when I was over at HQ in Zurich earlier this week.

It's a good idea - and other viewers have suggested it on our blog. But we're just a start-up, really, and we already have enough to keep us very busy. Namely, improving the Zattoo player and getting great content for our viewers. And trying to make an honest living too.

Zattoo fans give us lots of feedback on the blog. Suggestions for new features, problems they're having, ideas for more content. A lot of this is stuff that's handled by our operations or development teams. Or else it has global implications. But there are things that are specific to the UK, which therefore fall under my remit and I can do something about directly - especially when it comes to the channels viewers want.

So in my next blog post, I'm going to list out all the things viewers have said they really want to see here. I'm going to prioritise them and set about making sure that I'm giving Zattoo viewers in the UK lots of reasons to keep switching on the player.

Meanwhile, I'm going to do a few stretches. Adrian's made every single muscle in my body ache.