The last thing you feel like doing on Monday morning is going to work. Just as you begin summing up the energy for a new working week, you step out the shower and the phone rings. …*sigh*. There you are standing in your birthday suit, dripping water on the carpet while your boss tells you what he thinks of your work last week.
If you’re anything like me, just before heading out, you sit down to a strong cup of coffee and power up your laptop to see what the day has in store for you. While cursing at your emails, you flick on Zattoo and those Monday morning blues soon disappear… Breakfast on the table and now breakfast TV on your PC! It’s just a case of choosing between Bill Turnbull and Fiona Phillips. Ooh the decisions…
So there you have it. Now our friends in the UK can Zattoo BBC1, BBC2, ITV1, Channel 4, Five and lots of other fantastic channels. We’ve got all your favourite films, news, sports, drama, game shows – right there where you are.
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