As though there were some force out there trying to guide me, two links from Twitter in quick succession today urge me to keep an eye out for the trees, while planting the wood.
Nic Brisbourne's blog frequently gets me thinking. He's a partner at VC fund DFJ Esprit, which has investments in companies like LoveFilm, so you'd expect him to have wise words to say. Today, he was writing about the need to be fast, good, cheap and something more. He concludes with a reminder "to absolutely sweat the small stuff".
Someone Once Told Me is a cool website set up by Mario Cacciottolo, a BBC journalist. The concept is simple: each day there is a photograph of someone holding a sheet of paper with some words of wisdom someone once told them. Today's SOTM is "It's the little things in life... they are the BIG things".
On the other hand, it would be equally good advice to say, keep hold of the vision - don't get hung up on the details. How often do I hear the encouragement to launch a product before it's ready?
There is a tension here and it's important to sustain it, I believe.